So you are starting a new project and you need some extra cash to get it to take off.

Maybe you need a job with a more flexible timetable, something that lets you get an income even if you are traveling or working from home.

Do you want to go freelance, but you don’t know how to start?

In this story, we are going to give you 5 different platforms you can use to get a time-flexible job that you can do from anywhere.

IT, languages, mathematics, 3D modelling, crafts, design, consultancy…? No matter what you are good at, you can make it a source of income with a laptop if you use the right platform. Let’s start.

1. Upwork

If you want to launch your career as a freelance but you are not sure how, Upwork is here to set you up.

It does not matter if it is design, IT, writing, engineering, software or web development, or even legal, translation or consulting: Upwork will let you become a freelance in a breeze.

The platform will allow you to quickly create a profile and upload your portfolio, and it will match posted jobs and projects with the right experts, easing the dreaded customer capture.

2. Fiverr

Similarly to Upwork, you can join Fiverr as a freelance, selling your work to customers on the platform.

Fiverr has a focus on smaller odd jobs rather than larger, more “professional” projects.

However, the complexity of the task/job to be sold in the end is completely up to you. There are 5 gigs per second bought in Fiverr, with prices from 5 to 10,000 USD.

From following someone on Instagram to offering your professional services as a designer or video editor, the sky is the limit.

3. Skillshare

You probably remember Skillshare. We already told you how this “Netflix for Education” is a great tool to learn about virtually anything that may pique your interest.

What you did not know is that you can also make Skillshare your source of revenue, by exploiting your expertise and creating an online class, which will then become your passive income stream.

Do it right and your “side income” may end up supporting you, with top teachers making more than 100k USD per year.

4. Envato studio

For those with a creative side, let it be for graphic design, marketing, audio and video producing or even apps or websites, you can get your payday working remotely with Envato Studio.

If you become a service provider for Envato Studio you will be able to showcase your portfolio and services in their online platform, gaining customers from their great reach, all of this without leaving the house.

5. Experts Exchange

If you are an IT pro, perhaps as a web developer, database administrator, or simply proficient at Microsoft Excel or coding languages such as Javascript or C++, create an account on Experts Exchange and start getting paid for using your skills to help others.

Experts Exchange works connecting projects proposed by “employers” with experts with the knowledge to deliver them.

As a freelance you will easily browse projects available, pitch your solution for problems that you know how to solve, and implement your solution getting paid instantly through PayPal.

All in all, if working from home ever seemed unrealistic to you, now you know it’s not true, and most importantly, where to start.

It does not matter if you want to work casually during your free time or go full time as a freelance instead of a 9 to 5 job. If you are passionate and dedicated, you can use these tools to succeed.
